Tuesday 11 March 2025

Takaud honours first Tawfeer savings plan client

Takaud, the Mena region’s specialist provider of savings, investment and pension solutions, has honoured Farhaz Farouk, nogaholding’s general manager of finance and administration, who was the first client to sign up for Tawfeer, an


Natcom expands distribution to include key countries

Natcom, a premier production and distribution company, has entered into a licensing agreement with MK Productions, a leading mobile content provider, to distribute its healthy living video content throughout South Africa, Nigeria, India and th


India replaces China as Iran's top oil client

India has vaulted to the top of the list of Iran's oil customers, overtaking China, in a first quarter buying surge ahead of tighter sanctions against Tehran this summer, data published by a leading industry consultant showed. Direct impor


3,500 sign up for 'pay in your currency' service

More than 3,500 merchant locations in the UAE have singed deals to offer ‘pay in your currency’ service to international customers. The agreement was annoucned by Network International, a card solutions provider in the Mena region, and Pla

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