Sunday 2 June 2024
supply management

Experts put spotlight on procurement industry issues

Leading procurement and supply management experts discussed key industry issues such as Iran's entry into the global economy and opening up of supply chains across the region at an event in Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia. The special


Experts put spotlight on procurement industry issues

Leading procurement and supply management experts discussed key industry issues such as Iran's entry into the global economy and opening up of supply chains across the region at an event in Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia. The special


Tamkeen to offer supply management training

Tamkeen has launched its Supply Management Training programme for Bahrainis seeking new avenues of professional growth and a chance to contribute to national progress. The project is being delivered by KPMG and the Bahrain International Re


Tamkeen set to begin logistics course

Tamkeen, Bahrain’s labour fund, will start the third phase of its supply chain management training programme will enter its third phase next month and registration will end on July 31. Bahraini job-seekers with secondary school certificate


Tamkeen set to begin logistics course

Tamkeen, Bahrain’s labour fund, will start the third phase of its supply chain management training programme will enter its third phase next month and registration will end on July 31. Bahraini job-seekers with secondary school certificate

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