Saturday 15 June 2024
Stephen Hawking

British designer Devlin wins Expo 2020 UK Pavilion contract

Global brand experience agency Avantgarde has signed up award-winning British artist, Es Devlin OBE, to design the United Kingdom (UK) Pavilion at the Expo 2020 Dubai. The pavilion will be the centrepiece of the UK’s presenc


British designer Devlin wins Expo 2020 UK Pavilion contract

Global brand experience agency Avantgarde has signed up award-winning British artist, Es Devlin OBE, to design the United Kingdom (UK) Pavilion at the Expo 2020 Dubai. The pavilion will be the centrepiece of the UK’s presenc


Heaven is a fairy tale, says Hawking

Heaven is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark, the eminent British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking said in an interview published on Monday. Hawking, 69, was expected to die within a few years of being diagnosed with degenera

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