Saturday 15 June 2024
hotel guest

Abu Dhabi hotel guest numbers up 10.5pc in August

The number of hotel guests staying in Abu Dhabi during August rose by 10.5 per cent compared to the same month in 2017, with double-digit growth in most key source markets underpinning the upward trend, said a report. With the emi


Hotel guest experience software debuts in ME

A new cloud-based software designed to help hotels increase revenue, offer improved room entertainment, track and analyse guests’ buying behaviour has debuted in the Middle East by a Swedish hotel intelligence company. Hotel


Abu Dhabi hotel guests up 10pc

Abu Dhabi has seen a 10 per cent rise in the number of guests staying in the emirate’s hotels during the first quarter compared to last year, with increases also recorded for guest nights, occupancy levels, revenue and length of stay.

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