Saturday 1 June 2024
Maersk Oil

Maersk Oil eyes Iran offshore project

Maersk Oil, a subsidiary of French energy giant Total, is eyeing cooperation in development of an offshore Iranian oil project in the Arabian Gulf,  a top official was quoted as saying in a media report. "Maersk is likel


Meeza, Maersk Oil sign major IT deal

Meeza, a leading IT solutions provider in Qatar, has signed a new agreement with Maersk Oil Qatar (MOQ), under which Meeza will host MOQ’s primary and disaster recovery IT equipment at its data centers. The agreement was sig


Qataris join Maersk leadership programme

 A group of 44 Qatari employees at the country’s largest offshore oil producer Maersk Oil have begun an extensive career planning exercise as part of its leadership programme. Maersk Oil’s Qatari Leadership Talent


Qataris join Maersk leadership programme

 A group of 44 Qatari employees at the country’s largest offshore oil producer Maersk Oil have begun an extensive career planning exercise as part of its leadership programme. Maersk Oil’s Qatari Leadership Talent


Qataris complete Maersk Oil development programme

A group of Qatari employees at Maersk Oil have completed the latest stage of its Qatari Development Programme, which aims to develop the leaders of tomorrow. The programme is open to employees early in their careers and bridges th


Maersk Oil launches drive to woo Qatari leaders

Maersk Oil Qatar has launched the latest phase of its multi-media recruitment campaign, featuring five Qatari employees who have forged successful careers at the country’s largest oil producer. The recruitment drive forms pa


Maersk opens oil research lab in Qatar

Maersk Oil, an international oil and gas company, has announced the official launch of its digital core laboratory in Doha.   The Maersk Oil Digital Core Laboratory - a first of its kind in the Middle East - will support ongo


QP, Maersk Oil to highlight joint technical prowess

Qatar Petroleum has partnered with Maersk Oil to publish a series of new technical papers and presentations at the 7th International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC) to be held in Doha this week. The 14 co-authored submissio


Qatar’s gas infrastructure growing fast

Qatar is surging ahead with major projects as it reaffirms it position as the largest LNG producer in the world. Qatari Energy Minister Abdullah bin Hamad Al Attiyah said that Qatar’s LNG export capacity now stood at around 30 million ton

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