Saturday 1 June 2024

UAE-Japan trade volumes hit $25bn in 2016

Trade volumes between the UAE and Japan reached $25 billion last year, representing 32 per cent of Japan’s entire trade with Middle Eastern countries, business leaders said at a key meeting in Sharjah, UAE. The roundtable was host


Siddco in deal to provide certification programme

UAE-based Siddco Group and Italy’s Istituto Italiano della Saldatura (IIS) have partnered to provide internationally recognised training and certification programmes to Emirati and non-Emirati professionals across the UAE. T


Siddco in deal to provide certification programme

UAE-based Siddco Group and Italy’s Istituto Italiano della Saldatura (IIS) have partnered to provide internationally recognised training and certification programmes to Emirati and non-Emirati professionals across the UAE. T


African experts for key Bahrain summit

African experts, policymakers and business and political leaders will come together in Bahrain next week to examine new economic and geopolitical opportunities for African nations. "The Geo-economics of Resources and Conflict


IIS, Pano Logic in distribution deal

IIS, a major IT distributor in the Middle East, has signed a distribution agreement with US-based Pano Logic, the leader in zero client desktop virtualization. IIS will be the sole distributor of Pano Logic technology to resellers in the M

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