Sunday 2 June 2024

Anasy Media completes ‘The Tainted Veil’ documentary

Anasy Media, a UAE-based production company, has completed post-production on its first international feature documentary 'The Tainted Veil', co-directed by US director Ovidio Salazar, Emirati director Nahla Alfahad and Syrian director M


Iraqi women to 'wear full veil or face punishment'

Islamic State, the Al-Qaeda offshoot that seized large swathes of northern Iraq last month, has warned women in the city of Mosul to wear full-face veils or risk severe punishment.  


Women drivers 'could be forced to remove veils'

Muslim women could be forced to remove their face veils during routine stops by traffic police in Bahrain. It comes after the Shura Council approved a series of amendments to a controversial new traffic law, said a report in the G


Bosnia drops veil ban bill from discussion

Bosnia's lawmakers dropped from discussion a proposed bill on banning full-length Islamic veils in public places after a woman wearing a niqab attended the parliamentary session as a visitor. The Muslim and Croat deputies were unlikely to


Saudi women 'free to remove veils in France'

Two Saudi clerics have declared Muslim women are exempt from wearing full veils in France, which is planning to ban them, but added they should avoid visiting it as tourists. The comments, by Islamic jurisprudence scholar Mohamed al-Nujaim

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