Bahrain to issue free visit visas for transit passengersBahrain will soon allow transit passengers to enjoy a short stayover in the kingdom, it was announced. During a recent gathering, the chief executive officer of Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority (BTEA), Shaikh Khalid bin H More… |
Kuwait embassies to issue visit visasKuwait has issued a decree allowing its embassies and consulates to issue visit visas to citizens from all countries except those from Iran, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan, said a report. Under this new rule, all typ More… |
Visa clamp on Britons deniedBahrain's immigration service has denied reports of a visa clamp on British visitors. It dismissed claims by the British Embassy that Britons were now being granted two-week visas upon arrival, as opposed to three-month visit visas. More… |
Visit visa cheats ‘will face jail’ in BahrainForeigners entering the country on visit visas seeking jobs could end up in jail and penniless, officials have warned. They should not rely on middlemen in their countries who promise jobs after entering Bahrain on visit visas instead of w More… |