Sunday 2 June 2024

Cortec’s EcoClean solution receives USDA certification

Cortec, a world leader in innovative corrosion protection technology, revealed that its EcoClean Biodegradable Scale and Rust Remover is now a USDA Certified biobased product. As such, it is third party certified to contain 100 pe


US approves biotech apple that resists browning

US regulators on Friday approved what would be the first commercialized biotech apple, rejecting efforts by the organic industry and other GMO critics to block the new fruit. The US Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant


Global corn, soybeans stocks to rise

Global stockpiles of corn and soybeans are set to rise next autumn after years of thinning inventories, the US Agriculture Department was expected to say on Thursday. A breakneck start on planting the US corn crop and timely rains in the d


EU says no ‘mad cow’ impact on US beef imports

The European Union's executive said on Wednesday it did not intend to impose any particular measures on imports from the United States following the discovery of the country's first case of mad cow disease or BSE in six years. "The (Europe


World orange juice output to drop: USDA

World production of orange juice will drop by 8 per cent this year, led by a 14 per cent drop in No 1 producer Brazil, the US Agriculture Department said in a report that may herald higher prices. In its first forecast of trade in frozen c


US to produce more corn this year

A 5 per cent increase is expected in corn plantation acreage in the US, according to the prospective plantings report released by the US Department of Agriculture.  The report, based on a survey of actual farmer intentions in Ma


China buys $10bn worth of US farm products

China bought more than $10 billion in US farm goods in the first six months of the fiscal year to become the country's No 1 agricultural export market, an official said. In an interview with Reuters, USDA secretary Tom Vilsack said farm ex

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