Friday 14 March 2025

Malware targeting online fashion shops to steal data

Banking Trojans are actively targeting online users of popular consumer brands, stealing credentials and other information through these sites, as the big annual holiday shopping season begins, global cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab said in a n


PC malware ‘highest in 4 years’

PC malware reached its highest levels in four years in the first quarter of the year, while malware targeting the Android platform recorded a steep increase, said a report. Mac malware was also on the rise, indicating that total malware co


Cyber threats in focus at TRA meet

Startegies and mechanisms to protect users in the UAE from cyber attacks formed the agenda for a seminar organised in Dubai recently by the UAE Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA). The one day seminar also discussed the


USB worm tops global malware list

Threats on portable storage devices, such as USB worms, have taken the top spot for malware worldwide, a study said. Spam trends show that email subjects vary greatly from country to country with diploma spam out of China and other Asian c

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