Sunday 2 June 2024

Facebook plans separate app for messages

Facebook will no longer let users send and receive private messages within its main smartphone app, and will require that users install a separate messaging app, the company said. Facebook began notifying users in France, England


GCC govts 'turning to social media'

The governments in the GCC region are preparing for increasing use of social media to interact with its citizens, spread messages and gain feedback on their policies, according to an expert. 'In 2011, the world saw how social media had


GCC govts 'turning to social media'

The governments in the GCC region are preparing for increasing use of social media to interact with its citizens, spread messages and gain feedback on their policies, according to an expert. 'In 2011, the world saw how social media had


SITA ‘processing 2m messages daily’

SITA, the leading specialist in air transport communications, said it is now processing a record two million messages per day for more than 10,000 user aircraft, air traffic controls and aircraft manufacturers. Nearly 250,000 messages are


Etisalat denies mobile credit drain rumour

Etisalat has denied messages being spread through social websites and emails regarding the draining of talk time or excess call charges through an international scam. Jabir Al Janahi, vice president, Corporate Communications, Etisalat, sa


Bahrain cbank warns against dubious messages

The Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) has warned customers of CBB licensed banks and financial institutions against e-mails or SMS mobile messages from suspicious websites. These e-mails and SMS messages may appear to come from a reputable ban

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