Sunday 2 June 2024
Arab leadership forum

Bahrain launches Arab leadership forum

Young Arab Leaders (YAL) Bahrain has announced the launch of its annual three-day intensive Arab Leadership Forum (ALF) 2011. The event, which was postponed earlier this year, will be held from November 22 to 24 at the Bahrain Internationa


YAL Bahrain to launch leadership forum

Young Arab Leaders (YAL) Bahrain, an independent pan-Arab organisation, will launch a forum aiming to nurture the leadership potential among Bahrain’s youth and provide them with skills and mentoring to forge ahead as leaders. The Arab Lea


Arab Leadership Forum opens in Bahrain

Shaikh Mohammed bin Essa Al Khalifa, chairman of Young Arab Leaders Bahrain, welcomed over 200 participants as he officially opened the three-day Arab Leadership Forum (ALF) in Manama on Saturday. He congratulated the participants for thei

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