Monday 17 June 2024
World Mobile Congress

Etisalat, Telefonica provide LTE roaming at MWC

Etisalat, one of the leading telecom operators in MEA, has teamed up with Telefonica to provide world class LTE roaming experience to its customers at GSMA Mobile World Congress (MWC) this year. Spain’s Telefonica, one of th


Qtel to showcase at mobile congress

The Qtel Group, the leading telecom service provider in Qatar, will display its innovations in social networking, mobile money, and entertainment, as well as new services at the upcoming Mobile World Congress 2011 in Barcelona. Organized b


Motorola to showcase new mobile devices

Motorola Mobility, a global leader in mobile technologies, will showcase its latest and most powerful devices at an upcoming mobile congress in Barcelona. Mobile World Congress will run from February 14 to 17. The congress, which b


Qtel unveils mobile social networking

The Qtel Group, a leading communications group in Qatar, has unveiled a new service to manage social networks and blogs through a single address book at the GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. The new service will enable customers to


Zain wins GSMA mobile commerce award

Zain, a leading telecom services provider, has won a top award for its mobile commerce service called Zap at the ongoing mobile world congress in Barcelona. Zain claimed the inaugural GSMA’s 2010 Mobile Money for the Unbanked Service award

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