Sunday 2 June 2024
Wheat imports

No wheat imports for Syria this year: minister

The Syrian government does not expect to import wheat this year because domestic grain supplies will be boosted by heavy rainfall and wider control over farmland, a minister said. Hassan Safiyeh, the minister of internal trade and


Saudi wheat imports to hit 2.7m tonnes this year

Saudi Arabia's Grain Silos and Flour Mills Organisation expects its wheat imports to rise to 2.7 million tonnes this year as the country continues to phase out local production, GSFMO's Director General Waleed Elkhereiji said on Tuesday.


Saudi paid average $228/T for big wheat buy

Saudi Arabia's grains authority said on Monday it paid an average of $228 per tonne, cost and freight included, for its latest wheat purchase, which was for 990,000 tonnes - one of the biggest wheat tenders this year. The Grain Silos a


Saudi wheat imports steady at 2m tonnes

Saudi Arabia will import about 2 million tonnes of wheat this year, unchanged from the previous year, Agriculture Minister Fahad Balghunaim said on Tuesday. 'In 2009, the (state-owned grains) organisation imported about 2 million tonne


Jordan buys 50,000 T Black Sea wheat

Jordan has bought 50,000 tonnes of Black Sea origin wheat at $211 per tonne C&F for shipment in July, a grain official said on Wednesday. The original tender was for 100,000 tonnes of wheat, but only half of that amount was purchased b


Egypt eyes long-term Russian wheat imports

Egypt, the world's largest wheat importer, is studying the possibility of signing a long-term Russian wheat import agreement and wants to attract more Russian investments to build silos, the Trade Ministry said on Monday. Trade Ministe

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