Wednesday 26 June 2024
Gas Cylinders

Alert over carrying gas cylinders in private vehicles

Abu Dhabi Police has warned motorists of the dangers associated with transporting gas cylinders in private or unlicensed vehicles that are not labelled with warning signs. Random gas transport poses a serious threat to other road


UAE to monitor weight, safety of cylinders

UAE’s Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (Esma) will start to monitor the weight and safety of gas cylinders traded in the country by the end of this year or early 2012, a senior official said. Every day, about 1.5 millio


Major Sharjah gas cylinders deal sealed

The Sharjah Economic Development Department (Sedd) has signed a contract with an industrial services company for large supply of liquid gas cylinders that comply with its standards in order to meet market demand. According to the contract

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