Monday 17 June 2024
Mobile solutions

Zain picks SAP solutions to spur mobile services

Telecom leader Zain has selected SAP to deliver Big Data and analytics solutions designed to enhance its mobile services across the Middle East, the group announced at GSMA Mobile World Congress 2015in Barcelona, Spain. Global sma


Locatel launches Mobility mobile solutions

Locatel, a leading provider of communications solutions for the hospitality industry, has launched a range of mobile solutions and applications from Mobility for improving hotel customers’ experiences at The Hotel Show in Dubai.


Du showcases NFC mobile solutions

Du, a leading telecom service provider in the UAE, showcased the near field communication (NFC)-based mobile solutions for UAE businesses at the recently concluded Gitex Technology Week in Dubai. The NFC-based mobile solution is supported


Javna wins top mobile ad awards

Javna, a leading company for mobile solutions and wireless applications in the Middle East region, has won two awards at the 2009 international Mobile Advertising and Marketing Awards (MAMA) event in London. The first award was for best in


Javna wins top mobile ad awards

Javna, a leading company for mobile solutions and wireless applications in the Middle East region, has won two awards at the 2009 international Mobile Advertising and Marketing Awards (MAMA) event in London. The first award was for best in

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