Monday 17 June 2024
Dubai Shopping Malls

DSMG raffle promotion sees 40 winners

Dubai Shopping Malls Group’s (DSMG) National Day promotion closed recently after 40 days rewarding a total of 40 lucky shoppers of 18 different nationalities who entered the raffle draw at any of the 21 participating malls. Four draws were


Dubai schoolgirl wins BMW

A 13-year old Sri Lankan schoolgirl won a brand new luxury BMW in an ongoing promotion of  Dubai Shopping Malls Group. Mahagedara Hewage Malshani, a grade seven student of Emirates English Speaking School, was picked the fourth winner


DSMG to support Dubai Summer Surprises

The Dubai Shopping Malls Group (DSMG) has joined hands with Dubai Summer Surprises (DSS) 2009 as a key sponsor. This is the twelfth year that the Group is supporting DSS, a major event on the Dubai summer calendar. “We are proud to

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