Sunday 2 June 2024
transport system

Dutch firm wins Bluewaters transport system deal

Dutch technology firm 2getthere said it has been awarded the contract to deliver a new automated vehicle system in Dubai, UAE, that will link new waterfront lifestyle destination Bluewaters with the city’s network of metro stations.


Dutch firm wins Bluewaters transport system deal

Dutch technology firm 2getthere said it has been awarded the contract to deliver a new automated vehicle system in Dubai, UAE, that will link new waterfront lifestyle destination Bluewaters with the city’s network of metro stations.


Hyperloop One unveils first look of test project

Hyperloop One, the global leader in developing the world's first operational Hyperloop, released the first images of its 500-m full-scale test structure at the development site (DevLoop) at the Nevada desert in US, on the opening day of Midd


Hyperloop One unveils first look of test project

Hyperloop One, the global leader in developing the world's first operational Hyperloop, released the first images of its 500-m full-scale test structure at the development site (DevLoop) at the Nevada desert in US, on the opening day of Midd


Smart ticketing solutions suggested for Qatar transport system

Qatar can learn valuable lessons from London in creating a sustainable interconnected public transport solution as the effects of the oil price slump threaten to impact its infrastructure development plans for the 2022 Fifa World Cup and beyond,


Bahrain unveils $8bn public transport plan

Bahrain is planning an integrated public transport system, including a monorail train network project at an estimated cost of BD3 billion ($8 billion), said a top transport official. Under-Secretary for Postal, Telecommunication, Frequenci

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