Saturday 15 June 2024

'Heartbleed' attack on Canada tax agency

Canada's tax-collection agency said that the private information of about 900 people had been compromised as hackers exploited the "Heartbleed" bug, and security experts warned that more attacks will likely follow. T


UAE to end visa row with Canada

The UAE is scrapping costly visa requirements imposed on Canadian travellers, officials said yesterday, ending a row between the two countries that started in 2010 over aviation rights. Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird


Canada to create visa to attract entrepreneurs

Canada plans to create a new class of visa that it hopes will attract high-tech and other entrepreneurs to immigrate to the country to start new companies, officials said on Tuesday. It has put a moratorium on issuing its existing


Canada sees risks for world economy

Top Canadian economic policymakers see a raft of potential problems for a global economy they described as fragile yet still growing, but said they are ready to intervene to protect Canada from turmoil. In testimony to a parliamentary comm


Canada's Conservatives win election

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the first Western leader to face the electorate since the financial meltdown, won re-election with a significantly stronger minority government. The Conservatives, who convinced voters they were the

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