Wednesday 26 June 2024
Mission Green Earth

Al Gurg joins ‘Mission Green Earth’

Staff at Al Gurg Leigh’s Paints reiterated their commitment to supporting the reduction of the UAE’s carbon-footprint by joining ‘Mission Green Earth’. The campaign aims to focus on the need to conserve energy and water and reduce waste.


One in 11 stand up for Mission Green Earth

The Mission Green Earth – Stand up and Take Action 2008’ campaign concluded on October 19 with one in 11 people of Dubai standing up for the cause of sustainable living and environment. A total of 137,711 people across the UAE joined the S


Mission Green Earth evokes huge response

The Mission Green Earth – 'Stand up and Take Action 2008,’ campaign, has received overwhelming response from numerous companies from the corporate sector, educational institutions and health bodies. The three day campaign, to be held f

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