Friday 7 June 2024
Public-private partnerships

Dubai, World Bank explore PPP in real estate sector

Nearly 50 global consultants, specialists, and experts in the property sector discussed issues related to public-private partnerships (PPPs) in the real estate sector at a key industry event in Dubai. The two-day 'Global Consu


IDB urges adoption of its PPP model

The Islamic Development Bank’s (IDB) first Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Forum held recently in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia has called for adopting its namesake model handle the challenges of socioeconomic development in the bank’s membe


Kuwait backs its $20bn PPP programme

Kuwait will continue to support its KD6 billion ($19.9 billion) public-private partnership (PPP) projects programme, said the country’s Deputy Prime Minister, underlining expansion of private sector participation in the local projects mark


Qatar law on public-private partnerships by year-end

Qatar aims to enact a law covering the use of public-private partnerships (PPPs) by the end of 2016, as part of efforts to boost its fledgling private sector and ease the strain on government finances caused by low oil prices. The


Joint ownership 'to play vital role'

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) have helped many emerging market countries modernise their highways and telephone networks and build new power plants. However, the PPPs that have been effective in building infrastructure have not transl


Study highlights yielding benefits from PPPs

Opportunities to drive economic growth with infrastructure public-private partnerships (PPPs) are numerous in the Middle East and North Africa (Mena) region, a new study by Booz & Company has revealed. The study said many government or


Study highlights yielding benefits from PPPs

Opportunities to drive economic growth with infrastructure public-private partnerships (PPPs) are numerous in the Middle East and North Africa (Mena) region, a new study by Booz & Company has revealed. The study said many government or

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