Friday 14 June 2024
war games

Iran stages war games, boats hit mock-up US ship

Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards staged war games in the Strait of Hormuz on Wednesday, including a gunboat attack on a model US warship, in Tehran's latest display of military muscle in a Gulf shipping channel vital to world oil export


N Korea warns US forces of 'destruction'

  North Korea has warned the top US military commander stationed in South Korea that his forces would "meet a miserable destruction" if they go ahead with scheduled military drills with South Korean troops, North Korean


US, allies launch massive war games in Gulf

  Warships from around the world are being assembled in the Gulf for what the US military described as the most widely attended international naval exercise ever held in the Middle East.   The exerc


Iran tests defences as nuke tensions rise

The Iranian army is conducting a four-day training exercise to test its defences, state TV reported on Saturday, amid rising international tensions over Iran's nuclear programme. Press TV said the war games started on Friday and were t


Iran fires 14 missiles in 2nd day of war games

Iran's Revolutionary Guards tested 14 missiles on Tuesday, the second day of war games intended as a show of strength towards the Islamic Republic's enemies Israel and the US. The Iranian-made surface-to-surface missiles, with a ma


Iran begins war games in Gulf

Iran began new naval war games in the Gulf on Thursday to show the country's 'power to defend' itself against any attack, state television reported.    It was the second such display of military might in less th


Iran to hold naval exercises in Gulf

Iran's navy will on Wednesday start eight days of war games in the Gulf and the Sea of Oman, state television said, less than two weeks after the Islamic Republic's Revolutionary Guards held manoeuvres in the Gulf.   


Iran tests missiles, warns enemies

Iran's Revolutionary Guards test-fired five missiles during war games on Sunday, and a commander warned the Islamic Republic's enemies they would regret any attack. Iran, which is locked in a dispute with the West over its nuclear


Iran to hold 3-day war games

Iran's armed forces will begin three days of war games on Monday involving anti-aircraft defence systems, Iranian media said. The exercises will be held amid persistent speculation about a possible US or Israeli strike on Iran's nu

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