Monday 17 June 2024
US air strikes

At least 32 IS fighters killed in US-led air strikes

At least 32 Islamic State fighters were killed and 40 more wounded in Syria's Raqqa province on Sunday, in a series of air strikes believed to be carried out by a U.S.-led coalition targeting the jihadists, a monitoring group said.


IS renews Kobani assault; 21 dead in Turkey

Islamic State (IS) fighters launched a renewed assault on the Syrian city of Kobani on Wednesday night, and at least 21 people were killed in riots in neighbouring Turkey where Kurds rose up against the government.  Islamic S


50 Afghan children killed in US air strikes

A US-led coalition military operation in western Afghanistan on Friday killed 76 civilians, including 50 children and 19 women, the Afghan Interior Ministry said. The coalition confirmed it carried out an operation that included air strike

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