Wednesday 26 June 2024
Dubai Culture and Arts Authority

Dubai Culture and Arts Authority backs DIFF

The Dubai Culture & Arts Authority (Dubai Culture) is supporting the Dubai International Film Festival (DIFF) 2009 as part of its mandate to drive and support all cultural events in the city and nurture Emirati talent. DIFF chairman Ab


Dubai to set up art, fashion districts

Dubai Culture and Arts Authority said it was aiming to build a fashion and design district and change legislation to persuade foreign artists to take up residence in a new arts neighborhood. The plans are the latest move in a major attempt


Dubai Culture gets new brand identity

The Dubai Culture and Arts Authority has unveiled its new brand identity, as part of which it has been renamed “Dubai Culture”. The new brand identity will help the organisation build on its achievements over the last year and support its


DCAA to host youth theatre fest

Dubai Culture and Arts Authority (DCAA) is organising the Dubai Theatre Festival for Youth from August 10 to 20, to encourage the art of theatre in the UAE. The festival, to be held at the Dubai Cultural and Scientific Association, will pr

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