Monday 17 June 2024

Online learning sector on track to hit $325bn

The international online learning market will experience a compound annual growth rate of approximately 7.2 per cent and hit the $325 billion mark by 2025, according to a report from market research firm Research and Markets. The


Online learning sector on track to hit $325bn

The international online learning market will experience a compound annual growth rate of approximately 7.2 per cent and hit the $325 billion mark by 2025, according to a report from market research firm Research and Markets. The


New B2B payment channel to revolutionise travel industry

BaVel, the world's leading eSettlement platform in the hospitality and travel industry, has unveiled a new platform that centralises and automates the B2B payments process. The Open Payment Alliance (OPA) was presented at the


Tech giants launch WiMAX patent pool

Six major tech companies have announced the formation of the Open Patent Alliance (OPA) to accelerate the widespread adoption and deployment of WiMAX technology and products. Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco, Clearwire, Intel Corporation, Samsung Ele

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