Monday 24 March 2025

GCC reinsurers upbeat on 2012 prospects

Market sentiment remains upbeat among reinsurers and brokers operating in the GCC amid hope that the impact of last year's near-record burden of catastrophe losses will translate into an improved pricing and profitability outlook, according


Swiss Re confirms large FY loss, writedowns

Swiss Re, the world's biggest reinsurer, posted a net loss of 864 million Swiss francs ($735.63 million) and 5.9 billion francs in writedowns for 2008, and said it aims to maintain capital in the AA range in the long-term. The company is t


Rating boost for Gulf Re

Gulf Reinsurance (Gulf Re) has won a financial strength rating of A- (excellent) and issuer credit rating of “a-” from A M Best Company, an authoritative source of insurance ratings. Gulf Re is a new specialist reinsurer licensed by the Du

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