Friday 14 June 2024

Wam news service in 5 more languages now

Emirates News Agency (Wam) has expanded its news services adding five new languages, which brings the total to 13 languages covering 142 countries around the world.   The five new languages are German, Italian, T


Emirates News Agency seals RT partnership deal

The Emirates News Agency (WAM) and RT Television Network, Russian international television network, have signed a MoU to strengthen co-operation and facilitate the exchange of information including news and broadcast content. As p


Wermuth to launch Green Gateway Fund 2

Wermuth Asset Management (WAM), a firm specialising in impact investments, is set to launch another private equity fund, with a focus on European growth companies within the area of resource efficiency and renewable energy. 


Yemen plans stock exchange by year-end

Yemen is looking to launch its stock exchange by the end of 2009 with the help of bourse operator Dubai Financial Market , the official UAE WAM news agency reported on Saturday. Nine government firms will be selected to implement governanc


UAE inflation expected to stay at 5pc

The UAE’s inflation is expected to remain in 2009 at its current estimated level of five per cent, the state news agency Wam has quoted the central bank governor as saying. Sultan Nasser Al-Suweidi, governor of the Central Bank, said that


NSG-ME to market Business Wire services

Business Wire has entered into an exclusive sales agreement for the MENA region with Dubai-based News Services Group-Middle East (NSG-ME). The aim is to seek to introduce Business Wire's complement of global media and investor relations se

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