Wednesday 26 June 2024

Qatar Airways flies non-stop to Prague

Flag carrier Qatar Airways has launched a non-stop service from Doha to Prague, Czech Republic, a report said. The carrier's inaugural flight landed in Prague on August 20 and was operated by an Airbus A320, said a report in


Flydubai announces daily flights to Prague

Flydubai has unveiled plans to launch daily operations to Prague,Czech Republic, from July 1, an increase from the current four weekly flights. With this additional frequency, flydubai will operate a total of 49 flights a week to


Nepalis celebrate the 'dawn of the republic'

Thousands of Nepalis marched, danced and sung in the capital's streets on Wednesday to celebrate "the dawn of the republic" hours before the Himalayan nation was set to abolish its once-revered Hindu monarchy. A special assembly elected in

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