Saturday 15 June 2024

Bahraini group ‘among militias backing Assad’

A Bahraini group is allegedly among 30 Shi’ite militias supporting the regime of President Bashar Al Assad in Syria, according to reports. UK-based news website Middle East Eye lists Saraya Al Mukhtar (The Chosen Brigades) among Shi&rsqu


Libyan militia tighten control of Tripoli airport

Libyan militia fighters with anti aircraft guns and mortars fanned out across Tripoli's airport, transformed into a battlefield by two days of fighting that has cut the Libyan capital off from the outside world. US Secretary o


Libyan militia tighten control of Tripoli airport

Libyan militia fighters with anti aircraft guns and mortars fanned out across Tripoli's airport, transformed into a battlefield by two days of fighting that has cut the Libyan capital off from the outside world. US Secretary o


Libya's parliament moves to luxury hotel after attack

Libya's parliament moved to a luxury hotel on Tuesday until a powerful militia from the western city of Misrata can take up positions to protect its old building, which was attacked by gunmen on Sunday, a parliamentary spokesman said.


Heavy fighting in Libyan capital as rival militia battle

Rival militiamen battled each other for hours with anti-aircraft guns and grenades across Tripoli on Thursday, killing at least one person and wounding 12 in the worst fighting for months in the Libyan capital. The second outbreak


Thousands of Libyan gunmen sign up for police training

  Almost 6,000 gunmen have begun training to be policemen under a drive to disarm militias hindering Libya's democratic transition although many others cling to street powers won in toppling Muammar Gaddafi, the new interior


More Libyan militias swept out of bases

  The two main Islamist militias in Derna, a city in eastern Libya known as an Islamist stronghold, withdrew from their five bases on Saturday and announced they were disbanding, residents said, a day after a militia was driven o


Libyan militia swept out of Benghazi bases

A Libyan Islamist militia was swept out of the eastern city of Benghazi in a popular protest against the armed groups that ran into the early hours of Saturday morning, Reuters witnesses said. At least one person was killed and 20


Sadr says to resist any US presence in Iraq

Anti-US Shi'ite cleric Moqtada Al-Sadr said he would resist any American presence in Iraq, including a civilian one, beyond year-end when all US forces depart nearly nine years after the invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein. Sadr, whos


Sadr says to resist any US presence in Iraq

Anti-US Shi'ite cleric Moqtada Al-Sadr said he would resist any American presence in Iraq, including a civilian one, beyond year-end when all US forces depart nearly nine years after the invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein. Sadr, whos

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