Monday 17 June 2024

Taylor Wessing backs Oqyana real estate project

International Law firm Taylor Wessing has announced its support for a major private floating island villas project that will come up on ‘The World Islands’ development in Dubai, UAE. The exclusive villas project is bei


Kuwait's Oqyana seals Dutch Docklands deal

Kuwait-based Oqyana Real Estate has signed a deal with floating island expert ‘Dutch Docklands’ to create a series of private island villas within the ‘Oqyana World First development’ on ‘The World Islands’ pr


Oqyana to develop snorkeling lagoon

Oqyana World First, the first fully master-planned elite island community of ‘The World’ off the coast of Dubai, has launched a snorkeling lagoon. The lagoon will provide an interactive opportunity to swim and snorkel among coral reefs and


Oqyana plans key property sale

Kuwait real estate firm Oqyana, an affiliate of Sharia-compliant Investment Dar, said it would start selling property in Dubai and Bahrain. That includes land it owns in Dubai's The World project, a collection of islands the emirate is cr


Oqyana to unveil masterplan of $5bn project

Oqyana World First, the first fully master-planned elite island community of 'The World' development of Dubai, is set to unveil the final masterplan of its $5 billion project, on the opening day of Arabian Travel Market (ATM) on Tuesday. A

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