Friday 21 March 2025

Facebook updates privacy protection policy

Facebook is introducing new privacy experiences including updates to its terms and data policy as part of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). “Everyone – no matter where they live – will be as


UAE’s TRA alerts on social media privacy

UAE’s Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA) has directed social media users in general and parents in particular to avoid compromising their privacy on social media. TRA has recommended the use of strong passwords, ca


UK unveils new spying powers, raising privacy fears

Britain unveiled plans for sweeping new surveillance powers on Wednesday, including the ability to find out which websites people visit, measures ministers say are vital to keep the country safe but which critics say are an assault on privacy.


Social media users' surveillance, privacy play in focus

The surveilance and privacy play for the users of social media was studied by the Austrian Science Fund FWF.   About 90 per cent of those polled were concerned about their privacy but have little knowledge about


Mobile privacy sells in post-Snowden world

Following the Snowden snooping revelations, there is growing interest in a range of mobile phone products with one central selling point: privacy. The latest contender is the Blackphone, an Android software-based mobile which encr


Campaign against cybercrime stepped up

A leading online security and privacy company has vowed to step up its campaign to combat cybercrime in the Middle East. “The Middle East needs to toughen up when it comes to protecting its smart devices, and there has to be


Trend Micro expands social network privacy solution

Trend Micro has expanded its social network privacy technology, which identifies privacy settings that may leave personal or inappropriate information publicly available or vulnerable to identity theft. The solution gives users co


Google's wearable Glass gadget: cool or creepy?

Google staged four discussions expounding on the finer points of its "Glass" wearable computer during last week's developer conference. Missing from the agenda, however, was a session on etiquette when using the recording-capable g


Twitter hacking 'a wake-up call on privacy issues'

  Last week’s Twitter hack attack has given a wake up call on sophisticated invasion of privacy and more attacks await the uninformed and unprotected, according to an expert.  


Many Facebook users 'ignore privacy risks'

Nearly 13 million US Facebook users do not use or are not aware of the site's privacy controls, potentially exposing personal information beyond their network of Facebook friends, a study said. The Consumer Reports investigation on Faceboo

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