Friday 14 June 2024

Etihad Cargo transports endagered birds to natural habitat

Etihad Cargo and the International Fund for Houbara Conservation (IFHC), one of the world’s leading conservation programmes, recently transported a shipment of more than 100 vulnerable Houbara bustards for release into their natural habita


Etihad Cargo transports endagered birds to natural habitat

Etihad Cargo and the International Fund for Houbara Conservation (IFHC), one of the world’s leading conservation programmes, recently transported a shipment of more than 100 vulnerable Houbara bustards for release into their natural habita


Online wildlife trade exposed in Bahrain

A Bahraini website has been exposed by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) for supporting the trade in exotic animals and birds. The homepage of the website has been blocked by authorities, but it is


Birds culled in Saudi

Saudi authorities have culled nearly 160,000 birds after a new case of the deadly strain of bird flu was found on a farm outside Riyadh, state media said on Tuesday. The Saudi Press Agency said 158,000 birds were exterminated at al-Kharj,

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