Monday 17 June 2024

Bahrain court adjourns trial of ex-CEO of bank

Bahrain’s High Criminal Court has adjourned the money laundering case filed against Majid Al-Refai, former chief executive officer of Bank Alkhair, until the ruling session on July 8. Al-Refai is accused of money laundering, fraud and ille


Bahrain court adjourns trial of ex-CEO of bank

Bahrain’s High Criminal Court has adjourned the money laundering case filed against Majid Al-Refai, former chief executive officer of Bank Alkhair, until the ruling session on July 8. Al-Refai is accused of money laundering, fraud and ille


Unicorn founder wins top award

Majid Al Sayed Bader Al-Refai, the founder, managing director and chief executive officer of Unicorn Investment Bank, has been recognised for his “Outstanding Contribution to the Industry” as part of the 2007 Islamic Business and Finance Awards.

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