Monday 17 June 2024

Dubai orthopaedic meet focuses on new trends

The Dubai Bone and Joint Center (DBAJ), a member of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Academic Medical Center, recently organised a one-day course focusing on the latest trends and concepts in orthopaedics and trauma. Titled DBAJ Orthoped


Dubai centre to play key role in conference

Dubai Bone & Joint Center (DBAJ), the centre for musculoskeletal treatment and research in the Middle East, will lead discussion on orthopedics at the Arab Health 2009, which opens today. s constantly strived to align themselves with b


Spinal surgery expert joins DBAJ

Dubai Bone and Joint Centre (DBAJ) is continuously strengthening its role as the premier centre for musculoskeletal treatment and research in the Middle East with the recent appointment of Dr Zbigniew J Brodzinski as Orthopedic Spinal Surgeon.


Rheumatoid Arthritis diagnosis delay in UAE

Patients in the UAE had a lag time of nearly one year in detection of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and another nine months before they received the correct treatment, according to a medical study. A leading European journal Annals


30pc women suffer from low bone mass says study

Thirty per cent of women screened at the UAE Health Ministry suffered from low bone mass, reveals a study. The study conducted by Dubai Bone & Joint Center (DBAJ) and Ministry of Health hold screenings at UAE primary healthcare clinics

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