Sunday 2 June 2024
Energy Central

Nass wins Durrat desal plant deal

Nass Contracting has won a contract to build infrastructure and ancillary works for a sea water desalination plant at Durrat Al Bahrain (DAB). The contract was announced by Energy Central Company (ECC) at a ceremony at DAB.


ECCO buys water plant for Durrat Al Bahrain

Energy Central Co (ECCO), has recently signed an agreement to purchase a containerised Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) plant from TSI Asia, to meet the initial irrigation demand at Durrat Al Bahrain. Durrat Al Bahrain is a prestigious isl


Energy Central wins $300m Hadeed deal

Energy Central Co., an integrated utilities provider based in Bahrain, has won a $300 million contract at Saudi Iron & Steel Company (Hadeed). The company has been appointed by Zamil Industrial Investment Company as the main contr

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