Wednesday 5 March 2025

WTO issues new edition of World Tariff Profiles

GENEVA, Switzerland, July 15, 2021

The World Trade Organisation (WTO) has issued the 2021 edition of World Tariff Profiles, which provides comprehensive information on the tariffs and non-tariff measures imposed by over 170 countries and customs territories.

The publication has been jointly issued by the WTO, International Trade Centre and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

Summary tables allow cross-country comparisons of the average “bound” or maximum tariff each economy may apply to its imports and the average tariff it applies in practice. One-page profiles provide more detailed data for each economy, with tariffs broken down by product groups.

Each profile also shows the tariffs levied on its exports by its main trading partners. A summary table provides import and export profiles for each economy. Statistics on non-tariff measures by economy and product group complement the data on tariffs.

The special topic for this issue is the use of non-tariff measures (NTMs). Using data in UNCTAD's Trade Analysis Information System (TRAINS), this chapter looks at three indicators of the use of NTMs: the frequency index, the coverage ratio and the prevalence score. These indicators reveal the percentage of products affected by NTMs, the share of trade subject to NTMs, and how many measures apply to a particular product group.

The chapter reveals that almost 60 per cent of imported products need to comply with at least one NTM. In terms of trade value, almost 80 per cent of imported goods are subject to NTMs. – TradeArabia News Service


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