Monday 17 June 2024

ArabIT offers hi-tech system to monitor vehicles

Dubai, December 21, 2009

Limousine companies in the UAE could save millions of dirhams after installing a high-tech system that tracks and monitors vehicles 24 hours a day, seven days a week, according to ArabIT.

ArabIT is the certified service provider of the advanced telemetry fleet management system produced by Telargo of the United States.

“Limousines are an important sector of the car leasing and rental business in the Middle East with all major players competing aggressively for a bigger share of the market and technology that improves returns provides a major advantage,” said Chris Wiener, solutions architect at ArabIT.

“The total cost for the system for five years was just over Dh1 million including all hardware, integration, reporting and monthly service fees,” Wiener added. “But profits over the same period will have increased by Dh3.8 million,” he claimed.

The on-board equipment allows real-time vehicle tracking and engine monitoring, enabling driver behaviour analysis. This, in turn, helps to preserve vehicle residual values and lower the insurance costs by increasing the transparency of operations.

Location management also helps to ascertain whether vehicles have entered areas not covered by insurance or the contract. Additionally, fleet managers can allocate vehicles according to changing market demands.

“From simplified check-in procedures to advanced control and safety, the system covers all aspects of fleet management,” said Wiener. “It provides the means to extend vehicle life and ensure maximum return investment as well as enabling rental companies to stay on track with their vehicle activities and prevent unauthorised usage.”

The Telargo system combines established technologies from Global Positioning System and wireless communication to digital mapping and hosted as well as mobile applications.
Telargo has implemented systems for clients in Austria, Brazil, Hong Kong, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Macau, Malaysia, Mexico, Slovenia, Thailand, Turkey, and the United States as well as the UAE.-TradeArabia News Service

Tags: vehicle | IT | Telargo | fleet management system | ArabIT |

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