Tuesday 18 June 2024

3 get life for killing Bahrain policeman

Manama, January 10, 2014

Three men have been sentenced to life in jail in Bahrain for killing a policeman during rioting in October 2012.

Nineteen others have been sentenced to 15 years in prison for their role in the attack, while a 17-year-old received a reduced sentence of three years due to his age, said a report in the Gulf Daily News, our sister newspaper.

The 23 defendants were also convicted of possessing Molotov cocktails, metal rods and taking part in an illegal gathering.

However, only nine of them are in police custody and the rest who are still at large were sentenced by the High Criminal Court in absentia - including the three given life sentences for premeditated murder.

One defendant was acquitted due to lack of evidence.

Policeman Imran Ahmed Mohammed was killed by an explosive projectile fired from around 200 metres in October 2012.  He and fellow officers were lured into an ambush by rioting thugs who blocked roads in East Eker. - TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Bahrain | Policeman | life term |

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