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Huda and Mona Kattan will speak at The Retail Summit

Over 80 speakers for Dubai’s Retail Summit

DUBAI, November 7, 2018

More than 80 speakers will talk about how digital disruption and shifting consumer expectations are driving a transformation in retail at The Retail Summit, an upcoming new business event for C-level retailers in Dubai, UAE.

Beauty powerhouse Huda Kattan will join billionaire entrepreneur and Virgin Group founder Sir Richard Branson in headlining the summit, taking place at Atlantis, The Palm on February 13 and 14, 2019.

The founder and CEO of Huda Beauty, one of the most successful and fastest growing new brands to be launched this decade, will be accompanied by her sister Mona Kattan, co-founder and global president of the cosmetics line, who will take to the stage of The Retail Summit to discuss how their early adoption of social media platforms such as YouTube and Instagram helped support their stratospheric success.

Held in partnership with the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Meydan One, The Retail Summit will bring together a new generation of retailers who are delivering a winning combination of outstanding service and ground-breaking use of technology to deliver memorable shopping experiences.

With a background as a professionally trained make-up artist to high profile celebrity and VIP clients, Huda Kattan launched her Huda Beauty blog in 2010, followed by her YouTube channel, Facebook and Instagram accounts.  Today she is one of the world’s most followed on Instagram with 28.3million fans.  

In 2013, the Huda Beauty cosmetics line was launched with an initial collection of false eyelashes sold exclusively at Sephora Dubai Mall, and has since expanded into a full range of make-up products which have become instant best-sellers across the globe.  

Sir Richard Branson and the Kattan sisters will all speak on the first day of The Retail Summit. With more than 800 attendees anticipated, the event has been designed for global CEOs and senior teams, bringing together the retail community’s brightest minds to examine the latest thinking of how to win in today’s hyper-volatile landscape. – TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Branson | Retail summit |

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