Big brands fail brand resilience test: Grayling

Tuesday 7 January 2025

Jonathan Shillington

Big brands fail brand resilience test: Grayling

DUBAI, November 7, 2017

Almost half of Fortune 500 companies fail the ‘brand resilience’ test, causing millions of dollars of reputation damage, according to new research published today by Grayling, an international communications agency.

The Critical Conditions research examines the brand search profiles of a cross-section of international companies from the Fortune Global 500, taking a look at the biggest issues that affect them, and using Grayling’s proprietary ‘GCore’ reputation management tool to determine the reputational health of their search spaces.

In the realm of ‘too big to fail’ brands, do their digital and communications strategies culminate in an online space that is resilient?

•    Even among these well-resourced international businesses, almost half had negative content on the first page of their Google search profiles

•    Much of this negative content was old; the oldest story GCore found on page one of a company’s search profile dated back to July 2013

•    The world’s biggest tech companies, while far from immune to negative issues, do the best job at keeping negative content off their page one search results, suggesting there are lessons for companies in other sectors.

Grayling’s global head of strategic services Jon Meakin said: “With NGOs, online activists and citizen journalists, as well as the fourth estate, holding businesses, politicians and others to account, you can forget the idea of negative stories being ‘tomorrow’s chip paper’. As our research shows, online, they can hang around forever. And that can have a real impact on a brand’s reputation and even value…”

Jonathan Shillington, managing director Grayling Middle East said: “Information access connects organizations with their audiences directly, but brings with higher expectations of corporate transparency and ethical behaviour. Google search is the new reputation battleground, and any organization that places a value on its public image needs a proactive approach to the management of its search profile.”

Critical Conditions assesses the issues and brand resilience of the top ten brands within the following sectors represented in the list of Fortune Global 500 companies, with additional analysis and context by an international panel of Grayling’s sector experts.

The Critical Conditions research is part of Grayling’s ‘Advantage Series’, a research and insights program that addresses some of the major reputational, regulatory and communication challenges facing organizations today. – TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Grayling | Forbes 500 |

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