Monday 17 June 2024

Ooredoo starts new direct carrier billing service

MUSCAT, December 14, 2016

Ooredoo, a leading communications company in the region, has launched a direct carrier billing service with Google, to make it easier for Android users in Oman to purchase apps, games, and digital content on their devices.

With the introduction of direct carrier billing with Google, customers can now perform any online purchase transaction through the Google Play Store by paying for their purchases via their mobile phone balance without the need of using their credit cards, said a statement from the company.

Direct carrier billing allows users of select mobile operators to pay for digital content on Google Play by billing purchases to their mobile accounts, postpaid or prepaid, it said.

Prince Thomas, director of digital marketing and new business, Ooredoo, said: “Removing the need to share personal details online by using direct carrier billing or ‘Pay by Ooredoo’ is a safe and secure method for making digital transactions on mobile devices.”

“Thanks to this new facility, customers who do not have a credit card will soon be able to shop the fantastic selection available in the Google Play Store, allowing them to keep up with the latest online trends in entertainment, education, lifestyle and business,” he stated..

“We are delighted to be the first to bring this service to Google Play for customers in Oman, giving them access to a wide variety of services,” he added.-TradeArabia News Service

Tags: | Google | service | Ooredoo | Direct Carrier Billing |

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