Wednesday 26 June 2024

Batelco signs one-stop-shop deal with Tata

Manama, June 28, 2009

Batelco has announced the signing of a new One-Stop-Shop (OSS) agreement with Tata Communications, a leading provider of a new world of communications and a member of the India-based $62.5 billion Tata Group.

The OSS agreements complement Batelco’s range of International connectivity services such as IPLC (international Private leased circuits) and GMPLS (Global-MPLS).

This brings Batelco’s total number of OSS agreements to 32, said a statement from the company. The move is in line with its continuing commitment to provide business and multi-national customers with the convenience of a OSS.

Tata Communications is a leading global provider of a new world of communications.

With a leadership position in emerging markets, Tata Communications leverages its advanced solutions capabilities and domain expertise across its global and pan-India network to deliver managed solutions to multi-national enterprises, service providers and Indian consumers.

Batelco has previously signed agreements with operators located in many countries including UK, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Greece, US, Canada, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Pakistan, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and Kuwait, Singapore.

IPLC and GMPLS services are dedicated secure international circuits that ensure an instant connection to transmit data.

They provide a fast, efficient and virtually error free digital connection, as well as flexibility of working on a transparent protocol that can be used on any type of customer network application.

It also provides highly efficient connectivity that improves data throughput and organisational productivity.

"The one-stop-shop agreements are a value-added service that benefits customers with international connectivity like IPLC and GMPLS by offering them a wide global reach to various business hubs around the world in addition to facilitating the process of ordering, billing and fault management," said a top Batelco official.

“It also gives Batelco’s business customers and these operators, a single point of contact for international data services, provided by Batelco and these Operators. Furthermore, it facilitates the convenience of paying in one currency.”

“By extending our OSS network we are enhancing our Business customers’ experience and reach," he added.-TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Batelco | agreement | Tata | One-stop-shop |

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