Tuesday 18 June 2024

Israel vows to intercept next Gaza aid ship

Jerusalem, June 1, 2010

Israel's navy is ready to stop another aid ship headed to Gaza, a commander said on Tuesday, playing down the prospect of his men shying from confrontation after their bloody seizure of a Turkish vessel a day earlier.

Israel's Army Radio reported that the MV Rachel Corrie, a converted merchant ship, would reach Gazan waters by Wednesday.

A marine lieutenant who was not named told Army Radio in an interview that he expected an easy takeover of the ship.

'We as a unit are studying, and we will carry out professional investigations to reach conclusions,' the lieutenant said, referring to a skirmish in which his unit shot nine international activists aboard the Turkish ferry.

'And will we also be ready for the Rachel Corrie,' he added.

In an Internet posting from Ireland on April 20, the Perdana Global Peace Organisation said the Free Gaza Movement, which opposes an Israeli-led blockade on the Palestinian territory, bought the Rachel Corrie as part of an aid flotilla. – Reuters

Tags: gaza | Israel | navy | Jerusalem | Aid ship |


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