Tuesday 18 June 2024

Wärtsilä to install seabin at Dubai Marina Yacht Club

DUBAI, December 19, 2018

Finland-based Wärtsilä, a global leader in smart technologies and complete lifecycle solutions for marine and energy markets, is set to install a seabin at the Dubai Marina Yacht Club as part of its 'Future of the Seas' initiative.

The seabin is a floating rubbish bin located in the water at marinas, docks, yacht clubs and commercial ports, which will collect all floating rubbish by drawing in water from the surface. The water is then pumped back into the marina, leaving litter and debris trapped in the catch bag in the Seabin to be disposed of properly.

The seabin also has the potential to collect some of the oils and pollutants floating on the water surface.

The move to install seabin at the Dubai Marina Yacht Club comes as part of Wartsila's mission to set up floating rubbish bins around the world, said the company in a statement.

The global cooperation with the Seabin Project began in 2017 in conjunction with Finland’s centennial and now continues as part of Wärtsilä’s Future of the Seas initiative, it stated.

The Wartsila driven campaign will see upwards of 35 Seabins being installed in over 25 countries, it added.

Wärtsilä said this was one of the first fully-functional seabins to be installed in the Middle East.

The Seabins currently use low energy submersible water pumps that can utilise conventional, alternative and clean energy sources. These may include solar, wave or wind power, depending on the location and available technology.

This means that every year 49 tonnes of marine litter or the equivalent of 10 million plastic bags will be prevented from entering our oceans just by the Wartsila Seabins alone, said the top official.

Seppo Hautajoki, the managing director of Wärtsilä UAE, said: "Our purpose is to enable sustainable societies with smart technology. This includes co-operating with like-minded individuals and companies, like Pete Ceglinski and the Seabin Project, to develop and implement new environmental technology."

“We are proud to collaborate with the Dubai Marina Yacht Club to install one of the first-ever Seabins in the region in their waters,” he added.

Philip Sather, director of operations, Dubai Marina Yacht Club, said: “The Seabin project will make a huge difference, collecting all floating rubbish, oils, fuel, debris to tackle a local problem that has global implications.”

“We are delighted to be involved in this project that will improve the marina water quality and achieve our social responsibility goals of having a sustainable environment for the yachting community,” he added.-TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Wartsila | seabin |

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