HOSC wins major QP deal
Doha, August 27, 2007
Halul Offshore Services Company (HOSC) has been awarded a three-year contract from Qatar Petroleum (QP).
Under the QR900 million contract, HOSC will provide diving services to QP, said a posting on the Doha Securities Market (DSM) website.
Two fully-owned vessels will be employed for the contract in addition to machinery and equipment, HOSC general manager Khalifa Mohamed Al Hitmi said.
HOSC is jointly by Qatar Shipping Company (Q-Ship) and Qatar Navigation. The company provides offshore services for firms such as QP, Occidental, RasGas and Qatargas among others, said a Peninsula newspaper report.
HOSC owns a fleet of 25 multipurpose vessels in addition to 15 chartered vessels. Nine more vessels are under construction in China, India, Thailand, Singapore and Qatar, it said.