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Healthcare management skills boost

Manama, June 19, 2007

ESA Gulf, with the Arabian Gulf University (AGU), has started a part-time Executive Master in Hospital and Healthcare Management.

Upon successful completion of the programme, participants will be awarded the “MUPS Master-Management of Health Units” from Université Denis Diderot- Paris 7, France.

The 14-month programme consists of three parts.

Part one includes seven modules on hospital management tools such as hospital risk management, accreditation, medical assessment, measures and monitoring of customer satisfaction etc.

Part two consists of seven modules on Hospital Performance Management, which aim to integrate research with practice; and part three involves four months of a final conclusion seminar and a professional dissertation according to the participant’s professional project.

“The Middle East region’s hospital and healthcare environment is incredibly dynamic, and successful management demands more than the ability to treat patients: today’s health industry leaders must be trained in all aspects of management, strategic planning, finance, economics, cost-benefit analysis, human resources management, and information technologies,” said Dr Phillip Mouillot, director of ESA Gulf, said.

“In response to these challenges, ESA-Gulf offers an Executive Master in Hospital and Healthcare Management, which is designed to prepare individuals to assume executive leadership positions in a broad range of health services organizations. It will also provide participants with international expertise, while enhancing GCC and Middle East-specific skills in response to the region’s needs,” Dr. Mouillot said.

Dr. Mouillot expressed the program’s particular value to all healthcare stakeholders in both the public and private sectors, and at all organizational levels (medical doctors, decision makers, nurses, pharmacists, hospital managers etc.) in terms of its ability to empower their careers in the healthcare industry and reinforce their knowledge and management proficiency.

“Also benefiting from the Executive Master in Hospital and Healthcare Management are engineers, hospital architects, medical insurance managers and in fact, any other individual associated with the health industry,” Dr. Mouillot said.

Among the highly accredited faculty of experts and professionals teaching the program are representatives from the Ivy League Dartmouth Medical School, USA; High Health Authority HAS, France; French Hospital Federation (FHF); Qulturum, Sweden; Montreal University (HEC Montreal), Canada; Toronoto University, Canada, and several others.

ESA Gulf is now accepting admissions for the Fall 2007 semester. Admission to the program requires a Bachelors degree from an accredited university, and proof of proficiency in both spoken and written English. While not required, professional experience in the Healthcare industry is considered a plus.

This is an internationally recognised programme.

All applicants will be evaluated on a case by case basis by the admissions committee -- comprising experts and professionals -- in addition to a personal interview conducted by a professional committee. TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Arabian Gulf University | ESA Gulf | Executive Master in Hospital and Healthcare Management | AGU |

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