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GIA to start diamonds diploma course in Jordan

Amman, January 15, 2014

Gemological Institute of America (GIA), the most respected institute of gemmological research and learning, will begin its graduate diamonds diploma course in Amman from January 26.

The 7-week programme, taught by expert GIA instructors, will bring the institute's gem education to Jordan, a significant consumer market for gems and jewellery, said a statement from the institute.

The Graduate Diamonds diploma programme combines theory and hands-on practical learning to teach how to grade diamonds in the D-Z colour range based on the GIA-created 4Cs (Colour, Cut, Clarity and Carat weight) of diamond quality.

Students will also learn how to use gemmological equipment to grade and identify diamonds; to detect synthetics, treatments, simulants and fracture-filled diamonds; and to confidently speak the language of diamonds to suppliers, vendors and customers, it stated.

GIA recently conducted its first Graduate Diamonds programme in Dubai. The expansion to Amman will give both established and aspiring gem and jewellery professionals in the Middle East direct access to world-class education, the statement added.

GIA has also conducted lab classes, knowledge seminars and several short-term courses in other countries in the region including Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and UAE.

Commenting on the launch, Nirupa Bhatt, managing director of GIA in India and the Middle East, said it was an important region for the global gem and jewellery trade. "GIA's Graduate Diamonds programme will bring an internationally recognised course that teaches the language and science of diamonds to Amman," she noted.

GIA, the global leader in gem and jewellery education, also offers full- and part-time courses on diamonds, coloured stones, pearls, merchandising, jewellery design, retail and more.

An independent nonprofit organization, GIA, which was set up in 1931, is now recognized as the world's foremost authority in gemology.

GIA invented the famous 4Cs of Color, Cut, Clarity and Carat Weight in the early 1950s and in 1953, created the International Diamond Grading System which, today, is recognized by virtually every professional jeweler in the world.-TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Jordan | diamond | Gemological Institute of America |

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