Sunday 2 June 2024

Action Hotels offers scholarship for Kuwaitis

Kuwait City, May 19, 2011

Kuwait-based Action Hotels, in conjunction with the Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management (EAHM), has announced a scholarship for young Kuwaitis.

“We will fully sponsor the successful candidate in the one-year EAMH Master of Science in International Hospitality,” said Sheikh Mubarak Abdulla Al Mubarak Al Sabah, Action Hotels’s chairman.

The programme is run out of the Academy’s Dubai-based purpose-built facilities, in academic association with the Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne in Switzerland.

“The tourism industry in the Middle East will require an extra 1.5 million team members by the year 2020. Our aim is to help plug the management gap with fresh Kuwaiti talent.”

He mentioned that very few GCC nationals are employed in the regional hospitality industry. “Just two per cent of Bahraini, Omani, Saudi and Kuwaiti nationals are employed in the hospitality sector. In the UAE, the figure is slightly higher at nine per cent but is still not enough. We feel that it is our responsibility to help show our young talent just what a compelling career the hospitality sector can be.”

The 2011 Action Hotels Hospitality Management Scholarship application is open to Kuwaiti nationals only.-TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Training | tourism | Kuwait | scholarship | travel | education | Action Hotels | Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management |

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