Tuesday 18 June 2024

Esmod plans fashion, jewellery workshop

Dubai, January 24, 2011

Esmod Dubai, the leading French fashion school in the region, is complementing Dubai’s emergence as a leading jewellery and fashion photography site through a three-month workshop.

The Jewellery Design and Fashion Photography workshops which began on January 20 will help help tap emirate’s global fashion appeal, said a statement from Esmod.

The Esmod Dubai Jewellery Design Workshop will cover important aspects of the craft such as the history of jewellery, the creative process, elements and principles of design, tools and beading techniques, drawing and rendering styles, portfolio design and presentation.

It is open to those interested in the business aspects of jewellery or who just want to create their own contemporary jewels and accessories and be more informed about design and gemstones.

The Esmod Dubai Fashion Photography Workshop, on the other hand, is open to lovers of both photography and fashion.

It covers light manipulation and proper camera use, the history of fashion photography, indoor, outdoor techniques, portrait and beauty photography, use of Adobe Photoshop software tools and photo shoot planning, presentation, submission and exhibition.

By the end of the course, students will be able to prepare and execute creative fashion photo sessions and even properly market themselves as fashion photographers, said a top official.

'Now that our school has successfully pioneered fashion education in the Middle East, our next goal is to enhance other elements of the fashion world such as jewellery design and fashion photography,' remarked Tamara Hostal, director and founder of Esmod Dubai.

Dubai, she stated, had the right mix of modernity, tradition and mystique to emerge as a hub for these two exciting fields.

'We have partnered with some of the top jewellers and photographers to come up with new courses that will further broaden and enrich the fashion landscape of Dubai and the entire region,' Tamara added.-TradeArabia News Service 

Tags: Esmod Dubai | Jewellery design | Fashion Photography |

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