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Kenexa unveils new technology platform

Dubai, May 10, 2010

Kenexa, a global provider of business solutions for human resources, introduced its new technology platform, Kenexa 2x that boasts of cutting edge SaaS solution features.

Kenexa 2x provides a unified talent record across the employment lifecycle linking recruitment, onboarding, performance management and mobility on one technology platform, said a statement from Kenexa, a company with over 20 years of experience in developing and delivering HR software solutions.

Kenexa 2x enables customers to improve productivity, increase cost savings, ensure compliance with corporate and legal mandates, and raise employee engagement.

'Available now on Kenexa 2x are BrassRing, Recruit, Onboard and Mobile. In the third quarter, Kenexa will add Perform to its current performance management solution,' it added.

The Kenexa 2x Perform will offer leading edge performance management and succession planning tools to drive organizational alignment and ensure top performers are motivated and engaged, the statement said.

According to recent Gartner research, “In 2013, mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common Web access devices worldwide.”

Kenexa 2x Mobile addresses this global trend by delivering the first talent management applications natively developed for iPhone and BlackBerry platforms, it added.

With Kenexa 2x Mobile, hiring managers and approvers can now leverage the full power of their smart phones to speed decision making and gain competitive advantage with zero training, said the statement.

Research from the Kenexa Research Institute shows that organizations with formal onboarding processes can recognize increased revenue gains up to 40 per cent.

Derek Bluestone, vice president of Product Marketing, Kenexa, said the company has a long-standing position as the human capital management’s industry leader.

'It was a natural progression of our R&D efforts to develop a platform that delivers a unified talent record, bringing together all of the details about a candidate or employee, regardless of where they are in the employee lifecycle or recruiting workflow,' he remarked.

'Our customers have given us very positive feedback about the potential that Kenexa 2x brings to their organizations. As Kenexa moves to the next phase of its growth, Kenexa 2x will be an integral part of that flight,' Bluestone added.

“Unifying key recruiting, onboarding and employee performance management functionality with a single employee record is a natural progression in what is a relatively siloed market. Integration will become more important as HR looks to improve data quality and process consistency,” said Thomas Otter, research director, Gartner.

“Also expected to intensify is the need for mobile applications as HR professionals, employees, applicants and managers rely on mobile devices to conduct business,” Otter added.-TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Business solutions | Kenexa | technology platform |

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